Friday, February 18, 2005

day 30/happy friday!

On day 30 of sitting on my bum, I confess this has been the first week that has flown by. I'm not sure whether the audio books have made the difference (I'm on to Bill Bryson's "Notes from a Small Island" at the moment) or whether it is because I have been able to use my free hour to do more productive things (yesterday I finally packed away the suitcases from my US trip). The gas bubble in my eye appears to be thinning some. During my daily self-check, I have noted that images are much brighter than a week ago, and my peripheral vision seems to be intact. The latter was of concern to me and my doctors because of the sort of detachment I had, but all looks good. :-) The Spring-like weather did not last for long. Fresh snow on the mountain and blustery cold winds. During the neighbor women's daily morning coffee chat yesterday, there was a long discussion as they compared the merits of the scarves each had wrapped around their necks. I decided it was time to venture out on the roof terrace since we had the frost and snow in the village a couple weeks ago. I thought it would be best for me to assess the damage and prepare Big Jim before he returns for his visit in a couple weeks. It was not good. Like the rest of the Axarquia, we appear to have lost 90% of our plants. Big Jim will be very disappointed because the garden really was his baby. The crop loss has been pretty devastating here; in Malaga province alone, the early estimates are in the 120 million euro range. M.A.'s accupressure specialist, who has lived here for years, remembers only a handful of frosts, and three of those have been in the past couple weeks. My plans for the weekend are to listen to more books and to dust the bedroom.....not particularly exciting, but pretty thrilling for me these days. In my search for things to amuse myself, I have defragged my computer and updated the antivirus program a few times. These are the sorts of things I forget to do regularly when I'm in the throes of normal daily life, but now I find them almost titillating, as the blue, green, and red lines shuffle about the screen (if you don't know what I am talking about, you obviously have never defragged!) and the files searched counter hits 111,487 with 0 viruses detected. Sad, yes I know, but I am trying to make the best of this situation. :-) Have a nice weekend everyone! hasta pronto, mylifeinspain


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