Thursday, February 10, 2005


With any luck, this is my last day of sitting and staring. I visit the doctors again tomorrow morning, and let's all hope they are pleased with my progress. I know that I am getting better because I have not napped all week! I have accepted that I probably will not be able to just jump back into a "normal" routine straightaway, but it would be nice if I could at least do my own cooking and start working at least part-time again. Walking the dogs by myself may have to wait at least a little while, if only because of the precious Boo's size (she's about 25 kilos). Typically she's a good walker; the only danger would be that she freaks out whenever a rocket goes off, which in the village could occur any day and any time. So I just have to see what the docs the very least it will be nice to get out of the house again. :-) hasta pronto, mylifeinspain


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