oh i just can't remember..../keep on truckin'
While I was lying in bed this morning (as I tend to do for at least thirty minutes postalarm, half-listening to the BBC World Service and allowing my mind to drift and wander as my body slowly comes to terms with the idea of removing itself from beneath the cozy duvets), I mentally sketched out my blog entry for today. Now extricated from the sleeping den and properly caffeinated, do you think I can remember anything that I planned to write?! I have tried and tried to recall but nada. So I leave you with a "happy Friday" and some pics of long-haul truckin' Pakistani style. The personalization of US 18-wheelers with bikini-clad chick mudflaps and Spanish camiones with saint names somehow pale in comparison to these ornately handpainted versions (to see more detail on these and all photos, just click over them to enlarge). Enjoy! hasta pronto, mylifeinspain
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