Monday, March 14, 2005

monday monday

Our main "street" in the village. Stayed up a little late last night waiting to make sure Big Jim arrived in Islamabad a-okay. I read Big Jim's journal to pass the time. He got back right on schedule, although "a bit smelly." In the afternoon, I called Nasir, his driver there, to make sure he had not forgotten about picking up Big Jim at the airport, but of course he remembered. I love Big Jim's tales of their adventures. He and Nasir spend an average of 10 hours a day together, much of the time in the car. They get on very well, Big Jim's only complaint being Nasir's reluctance to use the windshield wipers even in torrential rain, "Don't want to use up all the rubber, sir." "But that's what they are for, Nasir!" After last weekend's snowy weather, yesterday I could throw open the windows and breathe in the first decidedly spring air. The temperatures are almost twenty degrees (F) higher than the chilly ones just a few days ago. I hope the good weather continues; Easter is less than two weeks away, and the village church is doing its Passion Play in the square on Good Friday. More on this as Semana Santa approaches.... I have a quiet couple of days planned before I see the doctors on Wednesday. I had an exciting development yesterday: two tiny bubbles have broken away from the ever-shrinking larger bubble, another sign that my days of being a couch potato are numbered. Wahoo! I truly cannot wait to wake up one morning and not have floaty bits circling around inside my eyeball. hasta manana, mylifeinspain


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