Monday, June 20, 2005


Anyone ever remove a wasp nest? I have a bigger problem than I thought. It seems a colony of potter wasps has decided to build a nest under our dining table on the terrace. This explains my stings yesterday and Mr. Beebs' two the previous Sunday (poor little pup got it first in the ear and then in his paw when he tried to swipe the bad guy away). And today I found the precious Boo with four swarming around her wagging tail, which is what instigated my search for a nest. Potter wasps are not particularly vicious---unless they are defending their home---so I figured they must have expanded their little development to elsewhere on the terrace (they have had a small colony at the top of the roof, under a terracotta shingle, for the past two years). I carefully lifted the edge of the faded lemon-print tablecloth, and I found myself admiring close up (frankly much closer than I cared to) six wasp rear-ends, hanging out of the honeycomb construction they have craftily built into the table corner. I suppose their front halves were being more productive inside the nest itself. Sigh. Tomorrow I will go the ferreteria and see if I can get some nasty toxic thing to do 'em in. I am sad about this because I enjoy watching them swoop down and have a drink from my plant plates after I am done with the watering. I wish I could evict them more peacefully and tell them to move back to their old digs, that Mr. Beebs and I would forget all about our little stings. Oh well.... Any suggestions on their removal are welcome. I am planning my counterattack for early Wednesday morning, before they have a chance to rev up on their morning coffee..... hasta pronto, mylifeinspain


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should definitely find an expert to get the nest removed for you. Or maybe your local vet knows how to deal with it. Wasps ain't no joke, specially for your pets. My advice: have that removed ASAP

Saludos desde Mallorca

11:15 PM  

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