Wednesday, October 13, 2004

happy birthday, kath!/voting update

Yes, really another birthday, and I actually I missed two more in the blog over the weekend: it was my brother's girlfriend's birthday Saturday and R.'s (from Norway) birthday Sunday. Lots of people getting busy in those northern climes in January it seems...must have been quite a blizzard. :-) Today is my sister's birthday, so Big Jim and I send happy greetings from Amsterdam and sunny Spain. Your birthday bundle is in the mail as well. :-) The village has been celebrating Spain's national holiday for the past two days, so today the kiddies are back to school and the dogs can enjoy their walks without having a nervous breakdown. I try to time them when I think there won't be any rockets launched, but this is very difficult to do, and I'm usually wrong more than I'm right. I am getting anxious myself because I still have not received my absentee ballot. I sent my original request more than six weeks ago, and I now have sent e-mails for the emergency federal write-in ballot so that I can at least vote for president, senate, and congress. If one of these ballots doesn't arrive in a couple days, I'm going to have to make a nuisance of myself on the telephone and call the voting office and consulate. My friend L. has decided to actually travel back to New York to vote in person. I understand how she feels: there is no way I'm not going to vote in this election! If need be, I will drive two hours to the nearest consulate and demand a ballot in person. I'm usually a reasonably calm and rational person, but I'm more than fed up with the myriad overseas voting problems this election. Will keep you posted.... hasta manana, mylifeinspain


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