NTY's quote of the day
"We're going back to the drawing board. With an earthquake or a major terrorist attack, we'd obviously have no warning. We haven't looked at mass evacuation or temporary housing for hundreds of thousands of people."SANDRA S. HUTCHENS, chief of the office of homeland security at the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. I am going to have to stop reading the news as I attempt to leisurely sip my morning coffee because I come across bits like this that make my blood boil.... What precisely has the Department of Homeland Security and its 150,000+ employees---the largest of all federal agencies---been doing for the past 4 years if not developing evacuation plans and strategies for managing an attack on the "homeland"?!!!! And don't mention the ridiculous color-coded alert system as its stellar achievement; any 5-year-old child could have come up with an equally brilliant plan.... Not that the English are doing much better. http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,1575411,00.html Note to self: Avoid riding London tube as surely will be detained because bad vision requires I look down while negotiating flights of stairs, a sure sign I am terrorist. Is it me or are we not living in some truly strange times? Am off to contemplate the world's future while taking the dogs on a long walk. Hope to finish a more tranquilo composition later today. Hasta luego, mylifeinspain
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