Friday, November 18, 2005

friday fotos

Snow already, eek! Yesterday was the first day this week that the weather cooperated for a proper long walk on the goat track. There had been rain (and snow, depending on the elevation) since Sunday, as well as sickly cold winds. Way too early for winter here; normally this sort of weather doesn't kick in until February/March.
The pups' friend, Chico. He is 7-months-old, all leg. :-)
The young guys play while precious Boo prefers to smell the daisies.
But she eventually decides to get in on the fun. :-) In other news, I am still catching up on my e-mails from the past six weeks, so to those who have written, don't think I have forgotten you! I also realize the blog has been a bit moribund of late and perhaps more than a tad doomy-gloomy. Although I have chosen to write about some of the more difficult aspects of our lives of late, please do not think this is a total reflection of all that goes on here. In reality, I am an extremely private person, and although I try to be completely honest in the blog, what is posted here is a mere fraction our daily life. Some exciting things I haven't mentioned: * Big Jim had a telephone interview this week for a very interesting job in a very interesting location. The company now wants to see him for face-to-face interview, probably sometime in the next week or two. That's all I am saying on the subject for now, but keep your fingers crossed. :-) * In just 4 weeks, we will be in the US to start our holiday festivities. * Our friend T. arrives from Frankfurt Thursday for a long weekend visit. * Received confirmation that the wedding anniversary present I chose for Big Jim was shipped from the south of France this week. (hint, hint, husband) Anyway, I promise to be more cheery in the weeks to come, and I also plan to steer the blog back to its original course. Sometimes, though, life throws a detour or two, and you have no choice but to follow it. Have a nice weekend, everyone! hasta pronto, mylifeinspain


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