Friday, August 27, 2004

awaiting the storm

Still hot and now very humid. There's a dense haze covering the village, so we are anticipating the storm shortly. Every time Almendena has left her house this morning, to pick up the bread and fish, etc., she has shouted "Que calor! que calor!", so we know it really is hot. (Almendena incidently never speaks at a volume most people would consider normal. She regularly has conversations from her terrace with a woman who lives two streets over.) Big Jim's housing is squared away. He'll stay in a hotel for the first two weeks, and then he'll move into J. and M.'s house outside Amsterdam for the winter. It's a huge 7-bedroom farmhouse that they've been trying to sell for the past two years but haven't been able to because of the depressed market in the Netherlands. Big Jim will even have access to the car they keep there. Since they've moved permanently to Spain now, they're just thrilled to have someone they know and trust keep an eye on the house for them. So things are falling into place nicely. Big Jim's got a bit of the new-job jitters, but that's to be expected. He has his agenda for the first week, which basically includes lots of introductory meetings. Because he's been a contractor for so long, he used to people expecting immediate results straightaway. I've explained to him it's a different story with permanent jobs; companies do not expect you to save the world the first week in the office. mylifeinspain is now two months old. Thanks for stopping to have a read. If you haven't signed the guestbook, please do. :-) Also, for those who have found the site by googling for "octagenarian porn" and "hirsute 70-year-olds", this probably isn't the site you were looking for. But thanks anyway for stopping by. Okay, must be off, lots to do. hasta pronto, mylifeinspain


Blogger John Hamre said...

I've started to go to your blog daily to read of your life in Spain. You write well and your stories makes me feel like I'm able to share a bit of your life there. Thanks and keep on blogging!

6:04 PM  
Blogger mylifeinspain said...

thank you! the blog has become as regular as my morning coffee, so i can't imagine it ending anytime soon. :-) best regards, mylifeinspain

9:10 PM  

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